The famous British Icon Winston Churchill, famously quipped, “A good Speech
should be like a woman’s skirt. Long enough to cover the subject and short
enough to create interest “.A short dress is an ultimate classic that can make
a woman look casual, chic, sexy, elegant, or a number of other things,
depending on how it’s worn. Unfortunately, it can also create a bad reputation
for being too revealing if worn improperly. When you choose to go short wear it
carefully, choose a dress that suits your figure, and then choose the right
make-up and accessories to complement the style. Below is a sneak peak of my
fashion sense."
Outfit Details.
Dress, Bag,& Shoes- Thrifted
Looped earing- Dubois Rd
Dress, Bag,& Shoes- Thrifted
Looped earing- Dubois Rd